move multiple multiply native negative next no not number numeric numeric-edited object-computer occurs
of off omitted on open optional or order organization other output overflow packed-decimal padding page
page-counter perform pf ph pic picture plus pointer position positive printing procedure procedures proceed program program-id purge queue quote quotes random rd read receive record records redefines reel reference references relative release remainder removal renames replace replacing report reporting reports rerun reserve return reversed rewind rewrite rf rh right rounded run same sd search section security segment segment-limit select send sentence separate sequence sequential set sign size sort sort-merge source source-computer space spaces special-names standard standard-1 standard-2 start status stop string sub-queue-1 sub-queue-2 sub-queue-3 subtract sum super suppress symbolic sync synchronized tallying tape terminal terminate test text than then through thru time times to top trailing true type unit unstring until up upon usage use using value values varying when with words working-storage write zero zeroes zeros